
Showing posts from July, 2018

Universal Joint

Introduction A  universal joint  is a mechanical device that allows one or more rotating shafts to be linked together, allowing the transmission of torque and/or rotary motion. It also allows for transmission of power between two points that are not in line with each other. Universal joints come in a wide variety of shapes, sizes and configurations to accommodate the infinite amount of applications they can go into. You should always consult a  professional  before selecting a universal joint. Parts of a Universal Joint: The simplest type is known as the  Cardan joint  or Hooke joint, shown in the figure below. The joint consists of two yokes, one on each shaft that is connected by a cross-shaped member called the spider. The constant angle between the two  shafts  is known as the operating angle, although it can also change. Good design calls of operating angles less than 25°. When a universal joint is connected to the both ends of a shaft, it is known as a constant veloci