Cardan Shaft definition, Function and applications


Cardan Shat is a rotating shaft that is used to transmit mechanical power from a motor or an engine to a point or region of application. Cardan shaft has universal joint shaft at the one end  in order to enable free rotation when it is in the varying angular relation to another shaft or shafts to which it is joined.


The overall function of a cardan shaft can be subdivided in 3 single functions:
Torque and speed
Changing distance between power input and output
Changing angle between power input and output

Propeller shaft

Cardan shaft is also called as Propeller shaft or drive shaft.  The propeller shaft is nothing but a driving shaft that is used to connect main transmission shaft to the differential of the real axle. It is connected with the help of universal joint that transmits the power from gear box to rear axle. Propeller shaft or cardan shaft is the important part from cardan shaft parts that transmits power from the gearbox to the differential gear in a motor vehicle or from the engine to the propeller in a ship or aircraft.

Functions of Propeller Shaft

  • Propeller shaft receives the power from the gear box and without any change in speed transmit it to the input pinion of the differential in order to carry onward transmission to the rear axle and rear wheels.
  • Propeller shaft is also used to cope with the difference in line with the level of the gear box output shaft and the differential input pinion shaft.

Applications of the Cardan shaft

Applications of the cardan shaft varies from small industries upto large like as in trains. With the wide applications of cardan shaft, cardan shaft supplier industry is also evolved. Some of the applications are listed below.

  • Agitators
  • Balancing Machines
  • Blowers and Fans
  • Compressor
  • Cooling Tower Fans
  • Cranes and Hoists
  • Crushers
  • Farming Equipments
  • Generators
  • Glass Manufacturing
  • Lumber Mills
  • Marine Propulsion
  • Mining Equipment
  • Oul and Gas Drilling Pumps
  • Packaging
  • paper Mills
  • Printing Presses
  • Pumps
  • Railways Drives
  • Rubber Processing
  • Shredders
  • Textiles Equipments


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